Top / About_SanDeGo

What is SanDeGo?


SanDeGo was made by the founder;Mr sandego and was published on AskMona(SNS) 18th/March/2018.
It is a POS coin that has high and variable interest rate based on BlackCoin.(We will explaine POS later)

Detailes of SanDeGo POS interest rate

The interest rate rises while the block numbers are a multiple of 3 or related to 3 for early blocks term.

About 'SanDeGo'

'San' means 3 ,'De' means by way of,'Go' means go.
So 'SanDeGo' is Go by way of 3. and it was named from the POS interest rate.

Other characteristics of SanDeGo

The characteristics are as follows;

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