**What is SanDeGo? [#x43f0eff]


SanDeGo was made by the founder;Mr sandego and was published on AskMona(SNS) 18th/March/2018.~
It is a POS coin that has high and variable interest rate based on BlackCoin.(We will explain POS later)
Detailes of SanDeGo POS interest rate
-300% until 30000 blocks~
-100% until 30000 blocks~
-2000% when the block numbers are multiples of 3,and 300% in all other block numbers until 45000 blocks~
-2000% when the block numbers are 333-666 of every 1000 blocks,and 300% in all other block numbers until 63600 blocks~
-305% until  193200 blocks~
-135% until  589200 blocks~
-270% until  639600 blocks~
-100% until 1114800 blocks~
- 10% until 1640400 blocks~
- 350 Coins after 1640401 blocks~
>The interest rate rises while the block numbers are a multiple of 3 or related to 3 for early blocks term.~
***About 'SanDeGo' [#ad390bae]
>'San' means 3 ,'De' means by way of,'Go' means go.~
So 'SanDeGo' is Go by way of 3. and it was named from the POS interest rate.

**Other characteristics of SanDeGo [#r1104004]
>The characteristics are as follows;~

-1)Issuance of SanDeGo is 92 billion,it's a large amount. ~
2)POS interest rate is high.~
3)Listing bargain price is low price at 1 satoshi per 1 coin.~

>So it is easy for everyone to buy and to tip.

-We will begin by answering common
questions that often lead to anxiety by users
who are new to crypto currency.
Specifically, we will explain basic information
on the use of wallet from basic concept of
crypto currency on the SanDeGo official
website etc. in an easy-to-understand
-SanDeGo discloses details of premine and ensures transparency by burning remains from AirDrop and listing bargain sales.~
-SanDeGo is a crypto currency which is environmentally friendly because of low 	electricity consumption by adopting POS approval method.~

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