
Roles of SanDeGo wallet

SanDeGo wallet has functions such as keeping,receiving,sending,increasing,of coins.

There is a bootstrap and wallets for Linux or Mac or Windows.

Downlord of a wallet

Please downlord it from link below when you 'd like to do it.

GitHub SanDeGo Release
Please select it for your OS.


*1.The wallet is sometimes regarded as false positive and is rejected by anti virus software but it doesn't include a virus. So please use it at ease.
*2.It takes some time to start because of using all block chain.

How to start a wallet

Let me explain it below using an example of a wallet for Windows.

  1. Please unzip the downlorded file.
    Check that there is 'sandego-qt.exe'.
    Please start 'sandego-qt.exe'.
    It takes a lot of time to start the wallet.
    Please wait without touching the wallet doing other things such as reading books,watching TV,cooking or playing and so on.

How to ecrypt a wallet


Click [Encrypt Wallet...] of Settings and enter passphrase.


Don't forget the passphrase.
If you forget it,you can't lose your coins.
Click [OK] after write down the passphrase.


Click [YES] if you do encrypt. After closing Confirmation,caution dialog appears.(The image is omitted)

The wallet is encrypted after restarting it.

Unlock of the wallet

Let's unlock your wallet if you want to do PoS.
Click [Unlock Wallet...],and you can enter passphrase.


The wallet is unlocked after entering passphrase and clicking [OK].


How to backup a wallet

We strongly recommend you to backup 'wallet.dat' in preparation for the case that your PC breaks down or you'd like to move your wallet to another PC.

'Wallet.dat' includes the most inportant informtion about your secret-key.

Backup by the wallet

You can backup your wallet('wallet.dat') by clicking [Back Wallet...] of [File] menu.


Please give an name to it so that you can regard it as SanDeGo's wallet.dat easily.


Backup by yourself directly

Please backup 'wallet.dat' to a safe location.

C:\Users\user name\AppData\Roaming\SanDeGo\wallet.dat

When anything troublesome happens or you change PC to new one,you can recover your coins using it.

How to update a wallet

All you have to do is to change old wallet(old sandego-qt.exe) to new wallet(new sandego-qt.exe).

Attach file: filesandego4.0.1.png 14 download [Information] fileGitHub_Downlord.jpg 39 download [Information] fileunlock1.jpg 30 download [Information] fileunlock2.jpg 29 download [Information] fileencryptdialog2.jpg 38 download [Information] fileencryptdialog.jpg 29 download [Information] file01_menubar_s1.jpg 53 download [Information] filew102.png 35 download [Information] file01_menubar_f1.jpg 30 download [Information]

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Last-modified: 2021-03-21 (Sun) 19:17:12 (1133d)